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How to prevent UTI?

Posted on: 10/Feb/2017 11:10:35 AM
Leading urologists have said that when the temperature drops and the cold winds begin to blow, the air becomes drier and our bodies get less moisture than they do in warmer months, leading to dehydration, the first step towards a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). UTI refers to a bacterial infection anywhere in the urinary tract, such as the bladder, kidneys, urethras, or the urethra and one tends to be exposed to such infections in winters.

Say the doctors, Our bodies suffer from UTI in winters as we stop drinking water. While we can invest in any warm beverage rather than icy water when it comes to wintertime, it`s still critical to maintain the water intake. Consumption of less water, especially during winter is one of the main causes that worsen UTI. 

Moreover, the main symptom of the infection which is burning sensation is usually considered a result of eating high calorie rich food during this season. This delays the patients from approaching the doctors on time. Also, women who make contact with the infections are so apprehensive of reporting it to the doctors that they prefer to self-medicate, which in turn makes the infection acute. For preventing bladder infections the following lifestyle changes may help reduce or eliminate the occurrence of bladder infections:

Change underwear daily: Since women are more prone to infections, they should change their undergarments twice a day.

Don`t hold urine: Urinate as soon as you feel the need. Holding urine for long multiplies the bacteria, thus causes infection.

Wear cotton underwear: Cotton underwear`s are comfortable, especially for women as it helps keep the vagina dry. Synthetic underwear`s cause excessive friction, thus leading to discharge of fluid which causes irritability.

Don`t Use feminine hygiene sprays: The pH in the vagina regulates itself, and douching or spraying, changes the equilibrium.

Urinate before and after sexual activity: Urinating right after sex can help prevent the spread of faecal bacteria to the bladder and thus reduce the risk of UTIs. Men should pass urine each time after the sexual intercourse.

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