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How to Ensure if You Are Pregnant!

Posted on: 16/Feb/2015 4:01:44 PM

How to test if you are pregnant? It becomes simple and easy if you straightaway check a doctor. But do you actually want to keep consulting with a doctor each and every time you get a pregnancy jolt? In fact, the home pregnancy tests are not 100 percent accurate, you must be aware of few symptoms of pregnancy. Fortified with these tips, you may be able to make the correct choice.

Here are few possible symptoms that may point out that you are pregnant or not:

Cramps: The first indications once after a few days of conception is either spotting or cramping. This symptom happens as the fertilized egg clips itself to the wall of the uterus. It can happen anytime between 6-12 days after the fertilization process of the egg. This happening is usually termed as implantation bleeding. The cramps are akin to menstrual cycle, so never get yourself confused. In addition to the slight bleeding and cramps, a woman may also experience white and milky discharge from her vagina. This happens soon after conception. This state can occur all through your pregnancy period and is entirely harmless, but if you endure stingy smell or burning sensation, then never scruple to meet the doctor.

Missed period: Menstrual cycle ensues owing to temporary pause in progesterone hormone production. If you have been attaining regular periods and you observe that this month you have missed your periods than it shows that you are pregnant. You miss your periods, as your body begins secreting progesterone to guard the baby. Once your body turns using up progesterone you slip your periods.

Variations in the breast: If you are pregnant, then your breast may show a few changes, exclusively if you are first time pregnant. The variations can be soreness or tenderness in your breasts, they will seem larger, and your nipples may become darker and bulky.

Increased urination: Peeing more than normal or persistently getting up in the mid of the night for restroom, is one of the regular hints that you may be pregnant.

Morning sickness: This is one of the renowned symptoms allied with pregnancy. It can occur any time of the day, so never assume that it will only happen in the morning owing to its name. Nausea or morning sickness is triggered due to pregnant woman`s hormone which holds back the means of emptying her stomach. This effect can make you vomit your favourite dish alalso. However this sign can last up till 13th or 14th week of pregnancy, at times it can also persist for the whole pregnancy.

Mood pivots: The hormonal variations in pregnant women decode to various mood swings for some. Even at times the sentimental movies or stories can make you cry dejectedly.

Home pregnancy test: Though this is not a sign, but if you are uncertain about any of the signs, then you should go for this pregnancy test kit to get accurate results. This test is simply available at any of your adjacent drug store. This test is most efficient when you use your first morning urine sample. Trail the easy directions that come along with the pack and just wait for 2 minutes for the results. If your test shows negative and you have missed your periods then reprise the test just after a few days.

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