Kumari Palany & Co

Health benefits of fried garlic pods

Posted on: 02/Sep/2017 11:47:53 AM
All of us are aware that garlic is good for body health. By including garlic as an ingredient in various dishes in our everyday diet and also eating garlic raw, very critical complaints like high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart-related diseases. Heart-attack and inflammation of aortic veins can be controlled.

Taking garlic also prevents the production of hormone known as angiotensin. It also relaxes the blood veins. Garlic also controls the harmful fat accumulated in the body.

When you take 6 pods of fried garlic, it will get help digestion within an hour and garlic turns into a very useful food for the body.  Within 24 hours after consumption of garlic, it kills the cancer cells in the body.

Within 4-6 hours after eating garlic, the body metabolism will get catalysed and help remove the excess water in the body. The accumulated fats get dissolved.

The anti-bacterial elements contained in garlic will start fighting the bacteria in the blood within 6-7 hours after eating garlic.

Within 7 to 10 hours, all the nutritious elements in garlic will get absorbed in the body and thus garlic offers a good protection shield for the body.

Within an hour after garlic gets digested, it begins the activity of thorough cleansing of the body. It also functions in the following aspects:
  • Keeping cholesterol at a steady uniform level
  • Artery gets cleaned and also protection from heart-related diseases is provided.
  • It regulates the blood pressure and keeps in uniform check.
  • It strengthens the body resistance power against diseases.
  • Garlic prevents entry of heavy metals into the body.
  • It strengthens the bones.
  • As it has medicinal properties, garlic also removes body fatigue.