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6 Easy Steps to Alleviate Headaches with Pressure Points!

Posted on: 24/Jul/2014 3:44:59 PM

Ohh! What an unbearable Pain!

One among the most customary illness you can encounter in your life time is headaches. More than 90 percent of the population will get headaches at one point or another. Unfortunately, with countless causes of head ache, it`s hop to come about eventually. Many factors grounds head pain includes weather changes, lack of sleep, work stress and so on.

The discomfort created by head ache can be well handled by acupressure techniques. Acupressure is an alternative remedy approach promoted in Tibet before acupuncture. The basic concept hidden behind it is that, you can alter the flow of energy and chemistry inside the body by pertaining pressures at certain areas of your body. These certain areas are termed as ‘meridians’ or ‘pressure points’.

Here are few Acupressure points, to relieve head ache pain:

  • Center spot of thumb. Simply took the end of a pen and press quite firmly at the centre area on the thumb. You can notice an instant relief from head ache.
  • Spot just inwards of your eyebrows and above the bridge of the nose. Just apply pressure on this point straightaway over the facial sinuses. This can direct to some ease with the headaches. Did you ever observe, how your hands automatically lean to this are when you have pain?
  • The temple region. These areas appear to embrace a lot of the muscle stress from the surplus of the scalp. By facilitating a gentle massage on your both temples with the assistance of your thumbs or fingers can help to ease some of the built-up strain and stress.
  • Base region of the skull. This region has some of the chief muscles for the head and the neck. Lean your head back and press aloft (upward) in a circular motion.
  •  Area amid the thumb and index finger. Pressure point located in this fleshy part of the hand. Safely pinch the area amid the thumb and the forefinger. Continuously, do the massage with the other thumb and the forefinger.
  • Point at Toes. This is the last one, but a little tougher to perform at work place. Initiate between your right toe and the left toe. On the zenith of your foot come backward nearly for about one inch and press down.

So for the next time, you encounter the head ache behind your eyes, or anywhere else, strive and bear in mind some of these techniques and handle your pain in a natural way before it gets too worser. Confidently, these techniques will work out for you.

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