Kumari Palany & Co

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If you eat food very fast, then you could get these problems plus tips to avoid fast eating!!

How will you react if you come to know that the heart disease or diabetes you got is due to the fast eating?

Posted On :04/May/2024 9:00:06 AM

How will Shilajit consumption improve our health?

In the Asian mountains like Himalayas, Altai etc, there is a sticky tar-like substance that is formed over centuries

Posted On :03/May/2024 9:14:38 AM

Do you know that the excess zinc inside the body is revealed by these important signs?

We all know that zinc plays a n important role in our body. It is noteworthy that zinc plays a role in DNA creation plus in cell growth, proteins building etc.

Posted On :02/May/2024 9:13:31 AM

Drinking ice cold water in the hot summers could be harmful in these ways!!

Do you get a headache or stomach pain after drinking ice cold water during the summer season?

Posted On :01/May/2024 8:57:16 AM

Brain tumour is revealed by these early signs, take care!!

One serious medical condition that requires immediate attention is brain tumour or abnormal growth of cells in the brain.

Posted On :30/Apr/2024 9:10:27 AM

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