Kumari Palany & Co

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Dr. Kamaraja V Appointed as Registrar of Tamilnadu Medical Council (TNMC)

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Kamaraja .v as the Registrar of the Tamilnadu Medical Council (TNMC). Dr. Kamaraja brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this prestigious position, and we look forward to his leadership in advancing the mission of TNMC. Congratulations, Dr. Kamaraja, on this well-deserved achievement!

Posted On :17/Feb/2024 9:27:36 AM

Be careful about these signs of high cholesterol that will be seen in the legs!!

For our health to be good and in the right amounts, our body needs a fat-like waxy substance and this is cholesterol.

Posted On :16/Feb/2024 9:08:04 AM

Eat these superb foods at your work place to stay energised and boost your productivity!!

Not only efficient planning and execution play a huge role in maintaining high productivity during work, but eating structured and healthy food too.

Posted On :15/Feb/2024 9:33:51 AM

Eating star fruits would provide us with these fantastic benefits!!

Have you come across five star shaped fruit that is both sweet as well as sour in taste?

Posted On :14/Feb/2024 9:26:54 AM

Surprising health benefits of eating chow chow or chayote!!

Belonging to the family cucurbitaceae, Chow chow or chayote is often used to make recipes like sambar, kootu etc.

Posted On :13/Feb/2024 9:31:54 AM

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