Kumari Palany & Co

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Those with meat allergy would show these important signs & symptoms take care!!

There are many who eat meat as it provides important nutrients like protein, iron, B vitamins etc and eating meat is considered healthy.

Posted On :03/Apr/2024 9:17:45 AM

Coconut water intake would help us to lose weight in these ways!!

Who doesnt like drinking coconut water? April has started now and it is now the beginning of the peak summer season.

Posted On :02/Apr/2024 9:09:48 AM

How intake of jaggery would help in managing the menstrual cycle symptoms in women?

Getting periods or menstrual cycles every month is inevitable for women in their reproductive age that is between 13 to mid 40s.

Posted On :01/Apr/2024 8:49:02 AM

How eating early dinner would be fantastic for our health?

Not only the quality of food we eat is important, but the time when we eat is also important!!

Posted On :30/Mar/2024 9:13:31 AM

Do you know these fabulous benefits of keeping garlic clove under the pillow?

We all know that garlic has medicinal properties and we could get many health benefits when we consume it plus garlic is also used as a culinary ingredient in preparing dishes etc.

Posted On :29/Mar/2024 9:02:32 AM

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