Kumari Palany & Co

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Surprising health benefits of sweating during the summer season!!

If you feel totally uncomfortable when you sweat, then you are not alone!!

Posted On :17/Apr/2024 9:16:05 AM

Parents must avoid giving these foods with hidden sugar content to their kids!!

Parents provide their kids with all types of foods to make their kids happy. There are many parents

Posted On :16/Apr/2024 9:10:33 AM

Be careful!! Do not eat these fruits before bed time as they could create many issues and disrupt sleep!!

Dont be surprised if you come to know the fact that the fruits you have eaten before going to bed could be the real reason for your disrupted sleep!!

Posted On :15/Apr/2024 9:32:19 AM

Important foods to eat to manage anxiety disorder effectively!!

In our lives there is one issue which many of us would have got at some point of time and that is anxiety.

Posted On :12/Apr/2024 9:12:39 AM

Tonsillitis - Various important things to know!!

When the tonsils present in the throat get inflamed then we could get tonsillitis and it could be both chronic as well as acute type.

Posted On :11/Apr/2024 9:01:07 AM

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