Kumari Palany & Co

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Know about these important signs of oral cancer and get treated immediately!!

Cancer that begins in the region of mouth is referred to as oral or mouth cancers. It is important to mention that oral cancers could occur in the tongue, lips, floor of the mouth etc.

Posted On :24/Apr/2024 9:07:32 AM

Want to keep your GI tract or gut healthy during summers, drink these!!

Inside our body, there is a passage that begins from the mouth and ends at anus and this is called the GI tract or gut.

Posted On :23/Apr/2024 9:26:38 AM

Be careful!! If you sleep with the air-conditioner on, you might get these serious issues!!

The summer is on and the scorching heat outside is making the lives of many tough.

Posted On :22/Apr/2024 9:23:55 AM

Health benefits of intake of prenatal vitamins and various important nutrients to be consumed by a pregnant mother!!

Covering the nutritional gaps in the diet!! It is during the pregnancy only the consumption of essential nutrients becomes more important.

Posted On :20/Apr/2024 9:19:35 AM

How can exposure to excess heat or a heat wave affect our health?

The temperatures have been increasing now as it is the peak summer. The heat could be deadly as it might affect our health badly.

Posted On :19/Apr/2024 9:35:30 AM

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