Kumari Palany & Co

How to buy the best diamond jewelry?

Posted on: 14/Jun/2019 5:46:50 PM
Good that you have decided to buy diamond jewelry. But are you left without any clue as to how to go about the same? Worry not, here are a few concrete tips for you to buy the best diamond jewelry in your city. The article is predominantly focused on all the first time diamond buyers. So, read on if you are one:

For which occasion are you buying diamond?

As the question to yourself: why diamonds now? What is the special occasion you want to celebrate by buying diamonds? It may be to gift your wife or mother or that you simply want to perk up your style and look with a diamond earring to show off in the evening parties you attend. Or it might be for your engagement ring. Be clear with your purpose of purchase. Decide what type of diamond you need. It may be simple solitaire or heavy diamond pieces. The heaviness of diamonds depend on the occasion you want it for.

Fix your budget for buying diamond

To make smart choices without burning a hole in your pocket, you need to decide your budget beforehand. You may have a modest budget or lavish expense, decide clearly prior to your actual purchase. It is always great and recommended to fix the budget as the first step.

Decide on the type of diamond you want to purchase. For which occasion you want the diamond to sparkle? Based on this you can decide among the many different kinds of diamonds from its color, carat, cut and clarity. For example, when you want to go with large stone diamonds, the focus must be more on the cut rather than its color. Only then awesome designs can be expected.

Certification on diamond

Are you are a fist time diamond buyer, it is important that you need to ensure proper diamond certification in the first place. The most important aspects are trust and authentication. There are a lot of different factors that add up to the preciousness of the diamond. This includes

·         Geological makeup

·         Quality

·         Finish

·         Natural rarity

The valuation of diamonds and other kinds of gemstones commonly vary with many factors. Hence, standardizing all these is certification. These certifications clearly boast of the benefits, quality and features of the diamond stone. They also add up to the trust and confidence on seller for the buyer.

There arare various certifications like

·         Solitaire Gemmological Laboratories Ltd. (SGL)

·         International Gemological Institute (IGI)

·         Gemological Institute of America (GIA)

If these ideas still don’t help you in taking a decision, you may get expert advise by fixing appointments with diamond experts. And of course, you can consult with friends and family members who have already purchased diamond jewelries. They may suggest you the best place to buy diamond jewelry and at the right price with appropriate certification that authenticates its legitimacy and quality.