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Why does your body need Vitamin D?

Posted on: 22/Mar/2017 1:06:07 PM
Vitamin D that is also known or sunshine vitamin is highly essential to regulate calcium content in your body. It makes bones and teeth healthy. Vitamin D is in fact not a vitamin, it is rather a pro hormone. This is essential for cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
Vitamin D is fat soluble. The vitamin is rarely found in food items. Fatty fish, select mushroom types, organ meats, fortified foods, etc contain the vitamin.
There are several sources of other types of vitamins, but Vitamin D is not of this kind. It is not easily found in food item and that is why almost half of the world’s population is Vitamin D deficient.
Fighting Vitamin D deficiency
Fighting the deficiency is not a big deal. It’s simple. Spend extra time under the sun. You do not have any other alternate idea to fight the deficiency. Your body will produce the vitamin on its own when exposed to sunlight. Sunbathing is health beneficial.
Vitamin D deficiency results in various health issues. The deficiency is in fact the primary reason for rickets or soft or fragile bones in young ones.
How can Vitamin D help you?
Vitamin D can easily combat with and win over Headache, depression, flu and many others can.
So, the question here is how much amount of Vitamin D is essential for your body?
You hardly need 10 minutes of your busy and hectic schedule. Walk or simply stand under the sun for just ten minutes every day and your body will get enough amount of Vitamin D. 

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