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Cases of fever prevalent in the Chennai

Posted on: 11/Jul/2013 3:33:34 PM
Many cases of malaria, viral fever and typhoid have been reported in the city. The reason is a sudden change in the weather.

‘Malaria, viral and typhoid cases are also reported now. We are seeing more number of patients in OP, compared to a few weeks ago… At least 20 to 30 per cent more samples are collected in July and August, compared to the rest of the months. Of the collected samples, we are seeing positive malaria, dengue and leptospirosis cases’, said a senior doctor in the city.

‘Due to sudden change in weather, viral and typhoid fever are reported. As dengue mosquitoes breed in fresh water, this is the time one has to take preventive steps like cleaning water tanks and drains. Schools should make sure that no mosquitoes are around as infection spreads anytime of the day. It’s better to wear full sleeve… Mosquito repellents could be used. If one suffers from fever for more than three days, body pain, rashes and headache one has to consult a doctor immediately’, said Dr. J.K Reddy, Consultant Pediatrician at Apollo Children’s Hospital.

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