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Say No to these foods at nights as they could disrupt the sleep

Posted on: 10/Aug/2019 4:54:57 PM
Say ‘No’ to these foods at nights as they could disrupt the sleep

Sleeping is very important for us to be healthy and we must sleep for 6 to 8 hours. Not all get the required amount of sleep for various reasons. It is well known that lack or reduced amounts of sleeping could result in many health issues like obesity, heart diseases, dementia etc.  People try many ways to get proper sleep. It is said that by avoiding certain foods at the night time we would be able to sleep well.

These foods must be avoided to get sound sleep.

Avoid intake of excess cheese:

Milk is made into solid form that is edible and this is termed as cheese and the cheeses are of many types. It must be noted that intake of high amounts of cheese could result in acid reflux in us and this could be because of high fat content in the cheese. Sleeping could get disrupted.

Avoid high sugar cereals:

Not many know that intake of high sugary cereals at night could disrupt their sleep and sleeping schedules get affected. This is due to the fact that intake of high sugar cereals might increase the blood sugar levels in us.

Avoid intake of hot sauce:

It is known that hot sauces get their heat from the chilli peppers and this could cause intense heart burns in us and finally would prevent us from sleeping.

Avoid taking peppermint at nights:

Peppermint intake must also be avoided during the night time as it might disrupt the sleep. Some of us have the habit of taking peppermint after the dinner but this must be avoided. The truth is peppermint could give heart burns. So avoid taking them before going to bed.

Avoid taking chocolates:

Most of us like eating chocolates as they are sweet to taste. It is said that eating chocolates in the night time might affect the sleep as the chocolates have caffeine content in them. Not only chocolate bars but also avoid taking chocolate ice creams in the night.

Avoid fried chicken:

This is one of the examples of high fat food and it must not be consumed at the night time. Point is it takes more time to digest high fat foods and could lead to bloating. Finally, it might create issues in sleeping.

Avoid dried fruits:

These dried fruits might be good for health in moderate amounts. When consumed in the night time dried fruits could lead to gas/ cramps etc. This could then create problem in sleeping. 

Please consume these spices for the liver health to be good.

The largest gland in our body is liver and the main function of this liver is to filter the blood before passing it to the rest of the body. In addition to this, liver is also responsible in the production of bile juice. Most of us do not show much care for the liver health but show great care for the health of other important organs like brain, heart, kidneys etc. It is revealed that health of the liver could be superb by the intake of certain spices.

Various spices that are good for the liver health are

Intake of cumin or jeera:

It is an important part in the k kitchen is well known. Many of us do not know that cumin helps in the production of bile juice and other digestive enzymes. Cumin plays a huge role in the liver detoxification process.

Intake of turmeric:

This turmeric has been used as medicine to treat many health issues is well known. It has been proved by studies that intake of turmeric could prevent hepatitis in us. Turmeric could be consumed either in the form of tea or as milk.

Intake of fennel:

Otherwise known as sauf, fennel is good for the liver health. For the liver health to be good, it is good to chew some fennel seeds after consuming meals. It is believed that fennel seeds help in weight loss.

Intake of coriander:

Coriander is used to improve the food taste is well known. Health of the liver gets enhanced due to liver detoxification.


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