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Coconut sugar and its fabulous health benefits

Posted on: 14/Jun/2018 9:50:34 AM
Have you heard of coconut sugar before? Dehydrated and boiled sap of the coconut palm is coconut sugar. This coconut sugar is said to be a superb alternative to refined sugar. It is fantastic to mention here that this coconut sugar is low in fructose content plus it has low glycemic index. There are more vitamins and minerals present in this coconut sugar and coconut sugar is not refined or chemically altered etc.

The presence of vitamin C plus potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous etc makes this coconut sugar simple amazing. This coconut sugar is making its presence felt in crystal or granule form or as a block or liquid. This coconut sugar is used in few Indonesian food items such as kecap manis or dendeng etc is known.

Some health benefits this coconut sugar provides us are

Diabetes treatment - This is a terrific health benefit and the presence of insulin in coconut sugar slows down the absorption of glucose in us. Moderate amounts of this coconut sugar could be used by the diabetic patients and it would be effective.

Superb for our gut - The growth of intestinal bifidobacteria is promoted by the fibre that is present in the coconut sugar. Restoration of good bacteria in our gut plus boosting of immunity is got by this bifidobacteria.

Reduces weight gain in us - Low in fructose content, this coconut sugar is remarkable and would lead to less weight gain and deposition of fats. It is now clear that the fructose which we get from fruits is good and healthy but refined granulated sugar has got unhealthy fructose in it.

Circulation of blood gets increased - In this coconut sugar iron is present and this iron does superbly in improving blood circulation. Iron is also responsible for the formation of RBC’s in us. It is known that low RBCs could result in anaemia, fatigue etc in us.

Superb energy booster - When we consume coconut sugar then our energy gets boosted due to raw materials present in coconut sugar.

Regulates blood pressure or BP - It is said that the potassium present in coconut sugar is enough to regulate BP in us. Tension in the blood vessels plus arteries is relieved by potassium which acts as vasodilator. Thus any strain on cardiovascular system is prevented. Finally risks due to heart attacks and stokes are lowered.

Bone health gets improved - Building bone mineral density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis could be possible due to this coconut sugar that has got zinc, potassium, calcium, iron etc in it

Anxiety gets lowered - Both hormone as well as neurotransmitter levels would reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. This intake of coconut sugar in moderate amounts would help in hormone and neurotransmitter levels in us.

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