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Campaign by medical university against drunken driving

Posted on: 31/Jan/2018 9:43:49 AM
Drinking is harmful to health is known. Driving a vehicle after drinking is more harmful as it leads to many problems not only for the person who has drunk but also for the others. Many accidents take place because of this drunken driving is well known.

In an effort to create awareness regarding drunken driving, medical university of the state would campaign and counsel so that medical students would abstain from the use of alcohol before they drive.

It is important to note that Dr MGR Medical University of TN has written to vice-principals plus deans of the 23 state run medical colleges plus other private medical colleges of the university. It is now clear that programmes that would help medicos to lead happy stress free life and also programmes against drunken driving would be initiated.

University Registrar Dr T. Balasubramanian shared his thoughts and said medical students studying in the colleges take up to drinking when they are in end of first year or at the beginning of the second year. He also threw light on how the presence of mentors would be very important as they would be able to guide the students and as a result the students would become better doctors in their lives.

Dr Jayanthi Dean of MMC Chennai expressed her thoughts and said university had asked the colleges to have one mentor for batch 20 students and ethical work practices would be taught by these mentors. Medical students and doctors must be a role model for the others.

It is now said that at least 3 core committees appointed by the university vice-chancellor Dr Geethalakshmi would be involved in the talks about the required amendments in the curriculum.

Aspects of financial economics plus laws related to medical profession and changes in the teaching methods would be discussed.

It is now clear that before any changes are made the discussions must be accepted first and passed by the standard academic board.  

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