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Tips to keep your new born safe during monsoon

Posted on: 12/Sep/2017 12:46:55 PM
For every mother, it is extremely important to keep the baby safe, happy and healthy throughout the year, and when it comes to rainy days, mums are super-cautious. The main reason for such extra care is the soar in sickness spreading among children during this season. Because the immune system is still developing, it becomes even more necessary to keep the just born still healthy.
Here are some of the simple and easy methods to keep your newly born safe in spite of the rainy days.
Keep their skin dry
During rainy season, clothes are mostly damp after washing. This may cause fever or cold in your baby. Make sure that the dress you wear for your baby is dry and warm. In this time, weather fluctuation is very common. The warm and humid weather may change upside down and become cool and rainy within minutes. Keep your baby dressed in various layers so that you can remove or add based on weather changes. Always, it is ideal to wear cotton fabrics than synthetic ones.
Hygienic surrounding
Remember, you are always surrounded with germs throughout, no matter what. Germs may spread with flies, dirty water, muck, etc. So, to keep your babies safe and protected from such germs, make sure that everybody who handles your baby is clean. Always have wet wipes handy. You should bathe your baby every day. Use disinfectant to wash their clothes. Get suggestions for the best baby soap from a pediatrician. Keep changing the diaper often and make use of good diaper rash cream.
If you have your surrounding unclean, it may cause diseases out of insects and pests and bacteria. Have an eye to keep your home clean. Make use of baby-safe disinfectant to clean the floor. Make it a practice to clean floor twice or thrice in a week.
No mosquitoes please
Mosquitoes are the main cause to spread serious illness like dengue or malaria. So, make sure to keep the pests at bay. In spite of absence of any breeding space in your home, there are several ways in which mosquitoes may enter your home and bite on your baby. You can prevent this with the use of nets and mesh windows. Liquid, card and coil mosquito repellents are also available for your babies. These may be effective on your mosquitoes.
Is flu likely?
Long outdoor journey with your baby is a no, particularly during rainy days. Your baby may turn sick because of humidity and temperature changes, as their immune system is just building up. When you go out, you should swaddle your baby tight and ensure that it is very dry.
Allergy alert
To a few pollens and allergens, a few infants may be allergic. So, your baby should be kept safe particularly during rainy days. When there is any rash or redness found on the baby’s skin, check with your doctor without any delay.
Check before onset of monsoon
Take a close look around your home before monsoon season begins. Check whether there is any dampness or leakage or any other problem during this time.
The corners in your home are prone to fungus formation. Hence, check them and clean thoroughly.
It may seem tough, but it is not so as you think. You can check out the little things in and around your home and ensure good, healthy environment with ease.

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