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Be careful, these health issues could be due to poor oral health

Posted on: 10/Sep/2019 9:54:06 AM
Majority of us give so much important to our health but when it comes to the oral health we don’t care that much. It must be noted that oral health is also important just like body health. It is worth to mention that our mouth is the main entryway to our body and poor oral health could affect our entire body. Poor oral health in a person is indicted by the presence of aching teeth, bleeding gums and foul or bad smelling breath. When our oral health is not maintained by us then we could get many health issues.

Various health issues due to poor oral health are

Causes cardiovascular disease:
The person has got more risk of getting cardiovascular diseases when his or her oral health is bad. It is important to mention that if the gums are inflamed due to bacteria that cause periodontal disease then some bacteria could go into the blood stream. By this, plaque would get built up in the arteries. Hardening of the arteries takes place and it is a serious heart issue.

Causes dementia:
Not only heart but also our brain gets affected by the poor oral health. When our gums get inflamed by the infection, substances are released and these could kill brain cells leading to memory loss. Issues like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease could occur.

Causes respiratory infections:
It is revealed that poor oral health could also result in respiratory issues in us. Point is the bacteria in the swollen gums and infected teeth could be breathed into the lungs. Issues like pneumonia, acute bronchitis results.  

Causes high blood sugar levels:
The presence of gum disease could increase our blood sugar levels. and because of this other health issues too occur. So please take care.

Infertility in women:
In life, pregnancy is very important. Many women find it difficult to get pregnant due to several reasons. Not many women know that infertility could also be because of their poor oral health. It must be noted that a woman having poor oral health takes longer time to get pregnant when compared to woman with good oral health.

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