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Consuming these is very important for a pregnant women

Posted on: 05/Sep/2019 4:56:44 PM
Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of a married woman. During pregnancy, a woman must not only consume food for her but also for the growth of her baby inside her womb. Women usually take care of themselves very well when they are pregnant. It is worth mentioning that consuming a balanced diet is necessary for a pregnant woman because of the fact that whatever the pregnant woman consumes becomes the only source of nutrients for the baby.

It must be taken into account that any deficiency of nutrients could lead to birth defects in the children. Low birth weight in the newborns occurs due to poor nutrition during and before pregnancy is known.

Various nutrients that are very essential for a pregnant woman are

Intake of iron:
By delivering oxygen to the baby, iron plays a huge role. It is important that a pregnant mother must consume foods that are rich in iron. Various iron rich foods are peas, dried beans, iron fortified cereals etc. In the second half of pregnancy, for atleast 100 days, it is important to eat 100 mg of elemental iron and 100 mg of folic acid.

Intake of calcium:
Calcium is present in huge amounts in cheese, milk and yoghurt etc and intake of these could lead to strong bones and teeth. It is revealed that a pregnant woman requires 1000 mg of calcium per day.

Intake of vitamin B6:
Vitamin B6 is found in poultry, fish, bananas, vegetables, whole grains etc and this vitamin B6 would help the body to use fat, protein and carbohydrates in a proper manner. It is said that the women who are pregnant must consume 1.9 mg of this vitamin per day.

Intake of vitamin D:
A pregnant woman could get vitamin D by the intake of milk, fish etc. It is worthy to note that a pregnant woman needs 0.015 mg of vitamin D per day. For calcium to absorb properly by the body, vitamin D is very important.

Intake of folate:
For producing proteins and blood in the body of developing foetus, intake of folates is essential for the pregnant woman. Another benefit of folate is it reduces neural tube defects in the newborns. Foods like orange juice, green leafy veggies, legumes, nuts are rich in folates. During their first 12 weeks of pregnancy, woman must consume atleast 400 micrograms of folates per day to lower neural tube defects and every day atleast 600 micrograms of folate must be consumed.

Intake of iodine:
For the production of foetal and maternal thyroid hormones that plays an important role in the development of foetal brain and nervous system, intake of iodine is essential for the p pregnant woman and atleast 250 micro grams of iodine per day must be consumed.

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