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Say goodbye to the black spots on the face by these

Posted on: 22/Feb/2019 9:59:16 AM
Everybody wants to have a bright, clear face and skin isn’t it!!

In our hectic work schedules and polluted atmosphere we often get many issues on our faces, skins etc and dark spots on the face is one such issue.  Many factors are responsible for these dark spots on our faces and these are exposure to sunlight, blackheads, razor bumps, skin ageing etc. It is common to see beauty parlours filled with many customers these days to treat this issue. In addition to this some people use skin care creams, face wash etc having chemicals in their homes to get bright and clear face. There are few home remedies that could help us in getting rid of the black spots on our faces.

These home remedies are

Papaya mask:

The papain present in papaya could help us in skin rejuvenation and removal of dark spots. Papaya fruit could be mashed to form a smooth paste and then honey could be added. For those having dry skin, milk cream would be superb along with papaya and honey. For those having oily skin, then lemon juice could be added. The lactic acid in milk could improve the complexion and lemon having vitamin C could lessen brown or black spots on our faces.

Aloe vera mask:

Creamy paste could be made by mixing aloe vera gel, vitamin E oil and lemon juice. This paste is then applied on the face and left for drying. After sometime the face with creamy paste should be washed with lukewarm water. This must be repeated until desired results are obtained. It is said that vitamin E helps in rejuvenation of skin plus in the de- pigmentation.

Consume lots of water:

These days most of us do not drink enough water. The truth is by drinking plenty of water our skin could be highly benefited. Flushing out of toxins takes place by drinking water. For clear and bright face and skin drinking of water all day would be good.

Consume buttermilk:

Dead skins and blackheads could be removed from the face by drinking buttermilk having lactic acid. The dark or black spots present on the face get lightened.

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