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Important features of Sri Vanchinathar temple

Posted on: 30/Dec/2017 1:28:31 PM
Eclipse periods - Generally, during the eclipses (solar and lunar), it is a routine to close the temple during this period. However, the temple of Sri Vanchinathar is kept open even during eclipses.

Festival - Brahmotsavam Theerthavari - Again, as a tradition,  the event of ‘Teerthavari’ during the Brahmotsavam in the temples dedicated to Lord Siva is performed only on the final day. However, in the Sri Vanchinathar temple, theerthavari is performed on the 2nd day of Brahmotsavam in the temple tank during the Maasi Makam festivals In February-March. The deity of  Lord Vanchinathar is taken on a procession on the carriage of ‘Yema Vahana’. On the final day of Brahmotsavam, the poojas are dedicated to Lord Muruga. Theerthavri is celebrated on Krithigai Sundays in November and December.

10-day festival - Following Aadi Pooram in July-August, a 10-day festival is celebrated in this temple Special Abhishekhams and Aaradhanas are performed during this period.

Special Prayers – Persons who born on the stars of Magam, Pooram, Sadayam and Bharani Stars and belonging to the Zodiac symbols Aries (Mesha), Aquarius (Kumba) and Leo (Simha) Rasis or Lagna pray here for any adverse planetary problems faced by them.  Persons who had lost jobs, persons aspiring promotions and transfers, separated couples longing for re-union pray here on Karthika Sundays after a bath in Gupta Ganga in November-December.

Temple History linked with Yama, God of Death - According to the Hindu mythology, the God of Death, Yama, once felt very sad on his job of taking the lives of people while there are many jobs of happy nature.  He went to Tiruvarur and spoke about it to Lord Siva. He directed him to go to Sri Vanchianathan and pray there.  Yama performed penance.  Pleased with his penance, Lord Vanchinadheswarar appeared before him on the Masi month Bharani Star day in February-March and asked what he wished. Yama explained that he had been assigned the job of taking the life of people thus incurring their hatred and harsh criticism and he was suffering the Brahmahathi dosha caused by his job duty. 

On hearing this, Lord Siva assured him saying that in future, people would attribute the cause of death due to diseases, age and accidents and they would not blame him.  Lord also instructed Yama that he should permit only those who are less sinners and they should not have the rebirth.  Lord also emphasized that Yama should make their ends peaceful. 

Lord Siva also granted him the status of Kshetra Palaka and the devotees would worship him first and then only at the Lord’s shrine.  Accordingly, the first pooja is dedicated to Yama only in this temple each day.

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