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New Year Resolutions - Buying a vehicle

Posted on: 30/Dec/2017 10:19:03 AM
With the New Year looming, many of us will be making resolutions to help us make it better for us. Here is the tips for buying a vehicle, and how to go about it.

Experts feel that buying a car, or any vehicle is not just a new year’s resolution, it’s a five- or six-year-long commitment. Plan correctly from the outset, and not only will your first year of car ownership go smoothly, but your personal finances will benefit in the years to follow. 

Loans should not be used for day-to-day living. They should only be utilised for buying expensive assets like properties and vehicles. When buying a vehicle, don’t fall into the trap of buying something beyond your means. Rather buy an economy class vehicle than an expensive luxury car. It is vital to make financial provision for unforeseen circumstances, for example car repairs or a health crisis that might not be covered by medical aid. Distinguish between what you need and what you want – do not try and keep up with the Joneses.

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