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Tips to help you eat a healthy lunch

Posted on: 15/Jul/2015 11:09:03 AM
A heavy lunch can make you feel groggy in entire afternoon. On the other hand, a light lunch may end up making you more empty than full. Heres how to get a balanced healthy lunch that will keep you productive through those mundane afternoon meetings.

1. Avoid  caffeinated drinks or sugar filled drinks with your lunch. That cola or energy drink may give you the boost of energy initially, but you will end up feeling dehydrated later. Stick to healthy fruit juices without sugar or just good old plain water. You can opt for flavoured water too.

2. Choose a lean protein at lunchtime. Opt for the yellow dal instead of the delicious looking dal makhani. Choose chicken or fish instead of red meat. However, make sure that the oil content is low - another ingredient that will make you feel full, bloated and sleepy in the afternoon.

3. Go in for a high fibre meal. Fibre fills you up and keeps you feeling full for a while. You will notice that you don`t crave for that biscuit or samosa with your afternoon tea or coffee. Avoid white rice. Instead, go for the whole wheat roti or bread. Fill your plate with salads and fruits. 

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