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Things to be done/organised on the 1st Day of Navaratri!

Posted on: 28/Sep/2019 3:18:10 PM
The classic legends stress that there is no other penance (Viratham in Tamil or ‘Vrath’ in Hindi/Sanskrit - performing some strict practice as prayed and pleaded to God) observed during the Navarathri festive period which as simple and as beneficial!

Among the various penances performed and observed towards Goddess Shakthi, this Navarathri period penance is the most significant one!

The important needs/wishes sought for human life such as wealth, Grains (food), stable long-lasting peace of mind, longevity, excellent health, assurance to go to Heaven, and attaining  the Divine Bliss (Moksha) are all granted by observing the Navarathri Penance!

The celebration and observation of the Navarathri are quite colourful and traditional and a very interesting procedure to be followed! A special and different divine offering is prepared every day for the Goddess during these 9 days. And on each of these 9 days, garlands made of 9 different flowers are adorned on the Goddess! There is more! - 9 different musical instruments are to be played for the Goddess during these 9 days! And to top it all, there are 9 different ‘mantras’ - slokas or ‘chant’s’ to be sung/chanted while performing the Pooja for the Goddess during the 9-day evening/night sessions!

It is rather worthwhile now to know things that are to be done on the eve of Navarathri!

On the 1st day of Navarathri, the Rangoli’ or ‘kolam’ pattern (Floor decoration with dots and lines) must be drawn using the rice flour.

Those who can play ‘mridangam’ can especially play the raga ‘Thodi’ which is traditionally strongly recommended!

It is also a tradition that the Goddess Sakthi or Ambikai should be prayed on as a ‘2-years’ old child!

Performing the Archana in the evening/morning with vilvam (‘Bael’ tree) leaves is considered ideal!

On the 1st day of Navarathri, the divine of the offering of ‘white’ Pongal (made of raw rice and green grams with spices such as ginger, curry leaves, cumin seeds and cashew nuts, and a lot of ghee).

This Pongal must be offered to the women and girls who visit to look at the dolls display or ‘kolu’!

All the above would bestow a whole lot of excellent benefits for us!

As explained earlier, on the 1st day of Navarathri, the Goddess Sakthi should be prayed as 2-years old! This would help us get total relief from our enemies, debt problems, etc. and also will bestow a prosperous and longer life!

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