Kumari Palany & Co

Abbas Cultural Presents Y Gee in 3Ji (May 25)

Posted on: 23/May/2018 2:59:46 PM
3 JI is a trendy and humorous stage play with an enjoyable dose of healthy satire. The story revolves around a middle-class apartment in Chennai named "India Apartments". The flats are also named with state names among which a flat named Kerala is haunted. 

Meenakshi a young arrogant woman and her henpecked husband dictates terms over the other residents and monopolises the management of the Welfare Association. When the long employed Security of the Apartment Damodaran alias Damu requests them for a much due raise in his wages, they belittle him in front of others and drive him out of the colony. The humiliated Damu challenges that he will come back and put an end to the wrong methods of the couple. A year later the residents of the apartments are shocked to note that the ex-Security Damu has bought the haunted Kerala flat. 

DAMU now a flat owner challenges Meenakshi-Mohan duo and contests in the colony election with the help of his friend cum political aide Manickam. What starts as an ordinary apartment election between Damu camp and Meenakshi camp turns bigger as none other than the ghost of Gandhiji appears before Damu in his haunted apartment and offers to guide him in the colony election. Gandhi expresses his desire to test his principles of Truth and non-violence in the context of the present varying political scenario. He adds that a test in this India Apartment would mean an acid test for the entire nation.

With Gandhi supporting Damu, on the other side, much to the surprise of his rival Meenakshi, the ghost of Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose offers to support them. With two ideologically different leaders of yesteryears entering the fray, the election gets comically hot and a fierce campaign ensues. Will Meena-Mohan backed by the Revolutionary Nethaji win? Or Damu backed by the peace-loving Gandhiji will win? 

The results of the unprecedented and historical election would be announced at 7 pm on May 25th at Mylapore Fine Arts Club Auditorium. The inaugural show is followed by two more shows on May 26th 7 pm and May 27th at 4.30pm.

Date: May 26th - May 27th

Mylapore Fine Arts Club
Door 45, Musiri Subramaniam Road, 
Mylapore, Chennai 600004