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All the reasons why eating passion fruits would be fabulous for us!!

Posted on: 03/May/2023 9:20:20 AM
These days, one fruit that has become very popular is passion fruit. It is a nutritious healthy fruit of small size and has yellow or purple coloured skin inside. The fruit could be oval or round in size. The flower of the plant that bears passion fruit is passion flower. Point is that the seeds of passion fruit could also be eaten by us. Passion fruit has vitamin C vitamin A plus others like fibres, potassium, iron etc and hence consuming this fruit would be highly beneficial for us.

By eating passion fruit we could get various health benefits like

Helps with constipation:

There are many who have constipation issues and find it very difficult. Passion fruits are rich in fibres and consuming this fruit the digestion process would become superb. The movement of bowels would become better and the issue of constipation would not be there.

Good for skin health:

Piceatannol a phytonutrient is present in this passion fruit and this would improve the skin health. It is important to mention here that passion fruit has vitamin A for healthy skin cell production etc. Our skin would be maintained well.

Diabetic friendly:

It is known that persons with diabetic conditions cannot eat all types of foods. Passion fruit is low in glycemic index and also has fibres in them so fruit can be consumed by the diabetic persons also. The diabetic persons would feel full when they eat passion fruit having soluble fibre pectin.

Lower risk of heart disease:

The presence of mineral potassium in the passion fruit would help in regulating blood pressure in us. Hypertension would be controlled.

Reduces cancer risk:

The presence of antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins etc in passion fruit would reduce the risk of cancer in us. Information is that passion flower contains chrysin a anticancer compound

Good immunity booster:

It is highly essential that our immunity levels must be very good and by that we could be free from health issues, infections etc. Intake of passion fruit would boost our immunity levels and this could be due to the presence of vitamin C, carotene etc in this fruit.

Good for cognitive health and anxiety etc:

The potassium present in passion fruit w would improve blood flow and cognition and folate would prevent Alzheimer`s disease and cognitive decline etc. It must be noted that the antioxidants in this fruit could help us to get rid of anxiety also.

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