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Some details about numbness in arms and legs or paresthesia

Posted on: 18/Sep/2018 10:33:24 AM
Many people feel numbness in their arms and legs and this is not painful. Fallen sleep is the term given to the feeling of numbness that takes place in arms and legs and this condition is known as paresthesia. By putting pressure on the arms or legs the blood flowing to nerves is prevented and numbness feeling occurs in us. When numbness happens rarely then it is not a matter for concern but when numbness happens frequently then a doctor must be consulted. Numbness includes burning sensation, loss of sensitivity, tingling sensations and pain etc. Almost every person would have experienced this paresthesia in their lives.

There are few reasons why this numbness in arms takes place in us and these are

Deficiency of vitamin B:

Many issues like anaemia, tingling etc takes place when there is a deficiency of vitamin B in us. While sleeping our hands become numb and the vitamin B is responsible for this numbness.  This vitamin B deficiency occurs in those who are vegetarian and those who have certain digestive disorders like celiac disease.

Retention of fluid:

This is also one important cause for numbness. Excess intake of salt and hormonal imbalance could lead to fluid retention in us. This in turn could lead to swelling which disrupts the blood circulation and finally result in numbness.

Carpal tunnel syndrome:

Carpal tunnel syndrome is also responsible for creating numbness in hands and legs. Median nerve is pinched. Typing on the keyboard repeatedly could result in this carpal tunnel syndrome.


This is a condition which affects many people is a known fact. Damage to nerves takes place in those persons who are diabetic. It is said that diabetic neuropathy is a cause for numbness in us.

Prevention of paresthesia:

There are few steps that could be followed by us to avoid getting paresthesia. Firstly avoid repetitive movements. Secondly take enough rest if you have to do repetitive movements. Thirdly get up and move around when you have to sit for long time periods. For those who have diabetes issue in them, careful monitoring and disease management could be superb. This could reduce the chances of having numbness.

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