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Get relief from high uric acid levels or hyperuricemia naturally with help of these Ayurvedic herbs!!

Posted on: 06/May/2024 9:11:09 AM

Controlling uric acid levels in our bodies is very important for our lives to be normal. Uric acid is produced as a waste product inside our bodies by the breaking down of purines. Increase in the levels of uric acid or hyperuricemia could result in issues like kidney stones, gout etc in us. 

It is a known fact that issues like kidney stones and gout etc would create huge discomfort for us. Normally, medications and lifestyle modifications are recommended by the doctors to manage uric acid levels in us. It is known that by staying hydrated, by avoiding high purine foods etc we could maintain healthy uric acid levels in us. There are certain Ayurvedic based herbs that can lower uric acid levels in us.

These Ayurvedic herbs are


The anti-inflammatory properties of giloy play a huge role here. Detoxification of our body and lowering of uric acid levels would be possible by giloy intake. Our immunity would get boosted plus our overall health would become superb by consuming glioy.


Is famous for both its diuretic and detoxifying properties. Intake of gokshura or puncture wine would help in flushing out toxins from our body. Kidney health would get boosted plus urinary tract health would be promoted by consuming gokshura.


Eliminating uric acid through urine is promoted by the intake of punarnava. It is a natural diuretic. It helps in the kidney functions plus reduce water retention and bloating etc.


Point is that triphala acts as a natural laxative and would help in easy bowel movements. Metabolic health is supported and uric acid levels get regulated.

Methi or fenugreek:

It must be noted that the saponins and flavonoids present in methi have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in them. Intake of methi would lower the joint pain and uric acid levels etc in us.

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