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Phosphorus, its sources and its superb health benefits for us

Posted on: 14/Aug/2018 9:32:49 AM
Phosphorus is present in all our body cells are known to us. As much as 85% of phosphorus is found in teeth and in bones. Without adequate amounts of this mineral it is not possible for our body to function normally. This phosphorus is second most profuse mineral in our body.

Important sources of phosphorus:

When the levels of phosphorus in our body is too high or too low then many issues like joint pain, fatigue etc takes place in us. Hence right levels of phosphorus are highly essential for us. Most of the phosphorus that our body requires is got by means of our daily food intake. There are certain foods that are rich in phosphorus and these foods must be included in our diet.

Protein rich foods that have rich amounts of phosphorus are eggs, meats, nuts, legumes, seeds etc.

There are certain non-protein foods that are also rich in phosphorus and they are potato, garlic, whole grains, dried fruits, broccoli etc.

These are the various health benefits of consuming foods rich in phosphorus.

Bones and teeth get superb strength:

This is one fabulous health benefit of consuming foods rich in phosphorus. This phosphorus in association with calcium does superbly in making our bones strong. Health of our gums and teeth enamel gets improved. Relief from issues like osteoporosis is possible by phosphorus.

Digestion gets boosted:

For facilitating effective digestion in us, phosphorus is essential. It stimulates the digestion of riboflavin and niacin. It must be noted that these two varieties of vitamin B plays huge role in energy metabolism etc.

Reduces weakness in us:

There are few minor issues like muscle weakness, numbness, fatigue etc that occurs in us and phosphorus removes these weakness efficiently.   To remain fit and active, normal levels of phosphorus are important. Some sexual weakness like loss of libido, impotence could be treated by having sufficient phosphorus.

Helps in brain functions and cognitive development:

Present both around and inside the brain cells, phosphorus plays an important part in the brain functioning. The phosphorus deficiency could result in increased risk of cognitive malfunction, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease etc.

Weight loss:

Increase in the body metabolism through faster breakdown of fats and carbohydrates is possible and hence the weight loss is possible in us.

Nutrient absorption:

Our body needs to absorb nutrients from food for our healthy functioning. Being a part of major enzymatic and biochemical reactions in us, phosphorus does superbly. They play an important role in absorption of nutrients from the digestive system.

Recommended phosphorus intake:

According to National Institutes of Health the recommended daily intake of phosphorus is 460 to 500 mg per day for kids and 700 to 1250 mg per day for adults.

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