Kumari Palany & Co

A New Endeavor of Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) for Home-Delivering Diesel

Posted on: 20/Mar/2018 4:03:24 PM
The recent decade entirely redesigned the business format by which the retails have been sold since the industrial era. No more visiting the place of retailing the products or services and consuming them in accordance with our needs. A click of a button will deliver anything from anywhere to your doorstep. After the smart phone era, the selection and purchasing of the products found a new dimension in varied e-commerce options.

Keeping this in mind the Central government initiated the idea of home delivering the petrol and diesel services to the public, as the demand for the huge population cannot met properly with the outlets in busy times.

Now the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) enabled a diesel delivery for the home order deliveries, currently not aiming in petrol for its high flammable properties. Drivers can order for the amount of petrol from their respective homes and the entire distributing system for this exclusive door step delivery had been commenced already by the IOC, initially in Pune, Maharashtra. A dedicated truck will be handled solely for the purpose of this door step services. This kind of home delivery system is approved by PESO – Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization.

Sanijv Singh, the Managing director of the IOC mentioned about the safe procedures involving the distribution of Diesel and also stated about the time reduction factor for people to wait in long queues in petrol pump stations.

After some clearance and final approval the procedure of ordering and the ways in which customers can request for the services will be announced officially. This project will collect an extra service charges for the home delivery.