Kumari Palany & Co

The percentage of job-shifting in banking industry will be up!

Posted on: 04/May/2015 3:25:54 PM
Banking experts have indicated that the ratio or percentage of job-shifting in the banking industry will be up this year!

Reserve Bank of India has given approval to IDFD & Bandhan Financial Services to start banking services.

Hence, there would be more job opportunities created in the different administration segments of banking industry. Hence, it is expected that there would be a 50% increase in job-shifting in banking industry.

Last year, the job-shifting was 25%.

With an increasing trend of people preferring to join new banks, the existing banks will have to take necessary action to retain their employees and restrict the attrition.

However, this may not be possible as there would be plenty of attractive job-opportunities!

There has already been an increase in job-shifting in the last 6 months. In this scenario,Qatar’s Doha Bank has also commenced its operations in India.