Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai Live News

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Banks will function today and tomorrow (29th and 30th June)

It has been announced that all the banks located in the areas under the jurisdiction of the Chennai Metro Police ill function today and tomorrow.

Posted On :29/Jun/2020 12:13:18 PM

Many houses lying vacant with no takers, rents to come down further in GCC

Under normal circumstances, the localities like Teynampet, Alwarpet, and T. Nagar in Chennai would not have houses lying vacant for a long time.

Posted On :29/Jun/2020 10:19:32 AM

34,000 beds arranged by Chennai Corporation for Corona asymptomatic patients

GCC it was clear that in addition to the institutional care centres as many as 4200 beds are ready at Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board or TNSCB apartments of Ambattur zone.

Posted On :29/Jun/2020 10:09:51 AM

As many as 26,000 contacts of 5000 Coronavirus patients traced by GCC now

The news that has come out now is that GCC or Greater Chennai Corporation has successfully traced more than 26,000 contacts of 5,000 Coronavirus patients in the last 3 days.

Posted On :29/Jun/2020 9:59:32 AM

1,500 beds in Anna University for Corona treatment

The Chennai Corporation Commissioner said that 1,500 beds are facilitated to treat the COVID 19 patients at Anna University here on Friday after inspecting the Corona Care Center at the varsity.

Posted On :27/Jun/2020 12:19:00 PM

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