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Issue of bleeding gums in us could be due to these factors

Posted on: 04/Feb/2020 10:23:00 AM
Building up of plaque at the gum line is responsible for bleeding gums issue in us. Many people in this world have got bleeding gums issue. It is worthy to note that oral health and hygiene are very important for us. In the past many studies have shown the relationship between poor oral health and the risk of getting affected heart diseases. Hence it is essential that we must take proper care of our oral health to make sure that the gums as well as the teeth are healthy.

There are many reasons for bleeding gums and these are

Brushing too hard:
It must be taken into account that brushing teeth very hard could lead to tears in the gums and then to bleeding finally. It is advised not to brush the teeth so hard but advised to brush the teeth regularly. This is the basic behind the maintaining proper oral hygiene. Brushing atleast twice a day is important.

Improper flossing:
Though it looks easy, flossing could be tough as improper flossing might result in cuts in the gums and finally bleeding in the gums. It is said that we must learn to know the proper method of flossing before we start to take care of our oral hygiene.

Vitamin C deficiency:
This could also be a reason for the bleeding of gums. It is known that deficiency of vitamin C is called as scurvy and it could lead to this bleeding gum in us. This vitamin C deficiency could be overcome by intake of vitamin C supplements or by the intake of foods rich in this vitamin.

Leukaemia is a type of blood cancer and bleeding gums is a symptom of this leukaemia. So it is important that we must take bleeding gums issue seriously and consult a dentist without fail.

The bloods ability to clot gets lowered when we consume blood thinning medication. This could then lead to bleeding gums issue in us. It is important that we must talk openly about the new medications that we are taking whenever we visit a dentist to help the dentist to identify the cause for bleeding gums.