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Never eat these foods / snacks along with tea, they could create health issues

Posted on: 31/May/2021 7:13:09 PM
Intake of beverages like tea has become very common now in the Covid-19 pandemic and many drink more than 3 cups of tea also in a day. Most of us drink tea by combining it with various snacks.

It is well known to us that drinking tea could provide us with plenty of health benefits. These are reduction of stroke and heart attacks, helps in weight loss, protection for bones, etc. Not many of us know that consuming snacks along with tea could be harmful for our health.

These food items or snacks must not be consumed when drinking a cup of hot tea. These are

Avoid flour/besan along with tea:
Tea is mostly served along with some snacks and these snacks are made of flour or besan. It must be noted that eating snacks like pakados etc along with tea could be harmful to us. By this combination, we might get digestion issues like constipation and acidity etc.

Avoid lemon along with tea:
Many of us love to drink tea with lemon in it. Truth is that this combination would turn acidic and hence it might lead to bloating issues etc. So, please be careful.

Avoid turmeric along with tea:
It is brought out that the chemical elements present in turmeric and tae could create issues to the digestive system. By consuming tea with foods rich in turmeric, we could get acid reflux.

Avoid nuts along with tea:
It is not advised to have nuts along with tea because it might lead to hazardous health issues. Absorption of nutrients could get blocked if we consume nuts along with tea containing tannins.

Avoid green vegetables with tea:
This combination must also be avoided by us compulsorily as it could create health issues. The presence of tannins and oxalates in tea could inhibit the absorption of plant based iron.