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Pregnant woman could avoid gestational diabetes by following these changes

Posted on: 15/Jan/2021 9:05:04 AM
Very important stage in the life of a woman is pregnancy. Sometimes, a pregnant woman might not be able to produce enough insulin and this would lead to increase in her blood sugar levels. This would further result in some health issues in her.

It is worthy to mention that if a woman has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or having the risk of developing the condition then it is necessary to make few healthier lifestyle changes to avoid or control the issue. It is possible to manage the blood sugar levels during pregnancy by consuming a healthy diet and by being active etc.

Various changes in lifestyle that could help a pregnant woman to manage blood sugar levels or control gestational diabetes are

By consuming healthy food:
A pregnant woman must consume a healthy and well balanced diet. There are whole foods that are available such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins etc. Point is these foods are rich in fibre content but low in calories/fats etc. Pregnant women must select unsaturated fats like olive oil, nuts, seeds etc that are good for health.

By limiting or avoiding intake of sugary foods/drinks:
It is revealed that pregnant women must avoid consuming foods like cakes, cookies, sweet pastries, desserts etc and sugary drinks like fruit juice etc. There would be an increase in the blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman if she consumes sugary foods that have undergone refinement or processing.

By avoiding or reducing the starchy high carbohydrates foods:
The starchy foods with high carbohydrates would increase the blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman and these foods must be limited or avoided. Foods such as white potatoes, white rice, white bread etc are full of starch and these must be limited or avoided. It is said that pregnant women must eat brown rice, whole wheat pasta etc in moderate amounts as they are high in carbohydrates.

By being active or exercising:
In the wellness plan of every woman, staying active plays an important role. It is believed that doing exercises regularly would lower the blood sugar levels. Issues like back pain, constipation etc would not be there during pregnancy. Exercises like walking, cycling and doing household work are considered as good choices during pregnancy. It is important for a pregnant woman to consult the doctor before beginning any exercise.

By monitoring blood sugar levels regularly:
This is also one important way to keep blood sugar levels in check during pregnancy.  Monitoring the blood sugar levels many times in a day (early morning, after intake of meals, night etc) would be advised by the doctor for pregnant women. This s is to ensure that diabetes is kept under control.