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Reasons why consuming diet with dairy products is important for us

Posted on: 21/May/2020 10:24:35 AM
Consuming dairy product is not everybody’s cup of tea as some would be lactose intolerant. Others might not eat dairy products as they find it tough to digest.

For staying healthy and not putting on weight, it is important that we must consume a balanced food.  It is known that balanced diet is a mixture of all food groups and by this we could get the much needed nutrients for the body functioning. One example is dairy product

These are the reasons why intake of dairy products is important for us.

Bones get strength:
Two nutrients that are important for the health of the bones are calcium and vitamin D. Milk, curd etc are few examples of dairy products that are rich in these 2 nutrients. It is for this reason only the growing kids must have dairy products without fail.

Source of proteins / feeling of fullness:
Proteins are building blocks of life and dairy products are full of proteins. It is said that those who are healing from injury must have dairy products compulsorily. Feeling of fullness is got by intake of protein rich dairy products.

Good for gut health & digestion:
It is known that yogurt is a dairy product and it gas good bacteria. Intake of this yogurt would improves the gut health plus ensures better food digestion.

BP gets lowered:
Heart diseases in us could occur due to the presence of high BP. It was shown by some research studies that intake of fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products could lower BP.