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The story of the Christmas festival

Posted on: 25/Dec/2018 9:32:45 AM
Christmas festival is celebrated as it is the birthday of Jesus Christ - though he got the ultimate prize of death amidst the brick-kiln mountain, o the execution pole, between the Sky and the Earth!

Christmas festival is celebrated to commemorate, honour, and recall the world-cadre citizen who was the fountain of compassion, love, and humane aspect.

The house and the Christmas tree get decorated. The family members wear new clothes. Star-lights are hung outside! Visits to close family friends and relatives are made. Though Christmas is celebrated with all grandiose as above, it always evokes pity when seeing the children wearing all new clothes awaiting the arrival of Jesus Christ! However, if we ask them their wishes – God! It is another big bother! There are numerous children who wished for presents not possible/affordable by Santa Claus at the tree bottom and finally feel bitterly disappointed. Now, let us explore the source and origin of how all these came about!

Why 25th December?

Once upon a time, the tribes of the Rome city used to celebrate the harvest festival known as ‘Saturnalia’. The week-long festival concluded on 25th December. During this period, even criminals are left unpunished. After some time, the Christians who captured the Rome City combined the birthday of Jesus Christ with this Saturnalia festival and celebrated. However, there are no basic profs to establish that 25th December was really the birthday of Jesus Christ.

However, a priest, Lewis Duchesne, who lived in 1889, explains:

Only 25th March is the birthday of Jesus Christ (when conceived). There were pointers to this effect on the sky.  The 9th month after March is December. So, it was taken as the birthday of Jesus Christ.’

This has further been emphasized as correct by several researchers on Jesus Christ. However, the 1st time the birthday was celebrated was in December, 336 AD!

That too, the celebrations were far different from what is done now! The new form of celebration and all started from Italy.

Christmas Tree

Though Christmas was celebrated from 336 AD, there were no indications of a Christmas tree concept till the year 1510 AD. The Pagan tribals who were converted to Christianity worshipped the Forest, they used to bring cut pine or oak trees, brought them to their place and worshipped after setting them up! Those who di not get these trees made a tree of a pyramid shape and decorated it with flowers and fruits and worshipped. The tradition of bringing a Christmas Tree came from Germany. Before this, they named the tree as Pyramid Tree or Paradise Tree. However, nowadays, it is all ‘plastic tree’!

Santa Claus

As far as India goes, Santa Claus happens to be one of the Granpas in the tradition/addition to Gandhi and the other real Indian granpas! However, as Santa Claus is seen wearing a red-cum-white dress with stars, do not assume that he might be an old Chinese communist!

It was a fact that Santa Claus gave presents to the children! Thus he paved the way for the present days’ Santa Clauses in the shopping malls!

St, Nicholas, who lived in Turkey is the original real Santata Claus. He treated the others known, unknown, and destitute with the same affection and kindness! He had saved several women who were about to be sold by their families to the prostitution business!  Persistently telling that he has all kinds of toys and presents. The shape of Santa Claus was converted from a lean and mean to be fat and joyous! And thus converted to a sales model!

The legend has it that he left presents only for the well-behaved children! It seems that he left only charcoal pieces for the naughty kids! However, the fatter Santa Claus treated that all children are good only, so by giving large heartedly whatever available, everyone becomes a Santal Claus! The worries and anxieties which appear in life just like the dark night, will all clear up and there would be dawn and light in the lives of everyone!

Let us wish this Christmas brings cheer and happiness to each and every family! Here are our Hearty Christmas Greetings!