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Weekend Sleep can balance your whole week’s sleep debt

Posted on: 24/May/2018 1:03:21 PM
A group of Scientists planned to explore different sleep pattern suited for the modern days’ sleep deprived lifestyle owing to night shifts and increased stress in the daily life.

Our body has its own biological clock called Circadian Rhythm that defines the sleep wake cycle, Physical activity and Resting Zone. When subjected to long periods of more activity during night times and lesser activities in day time may cause an alteration in the rhythm leading to various health issues.

Analyzing this natural clock of the body and the ways in which the sleep debt can be sorted out from a busy week the Research group concluded some results and published it in the Journal of Sleep Research.

According to the study sleeping for long hours in the weekends can sort out the week long’s sleep deprivation. Short naps in between the working hours can also be an effective tool to balance the sleep deprived working hours.

The study shows that sleep cycles are different for each individual connected with their body, age and lifestyle factors. So regular resting hours during the working days and complete rest in the weekend can largely impact the positive aspects of the physical well-being.

Short sleeps in the working days combined with long sleep during the weekends can balance the body’s capability to perform better in all ways. Prolonged exposure of body in the night shifts can really damage the health essence required for optimal working. So get rid of risky night shifts for every two to three months or even change the field of working where you can get sufficient amount of rest in the working days.

Bodily adaptations like Exercise, Meditation, Relaxation Techniques and Extra-curricular activities can improve the sleep wake cycle in our bodies.