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These are the different pre-diabetes signs or symptoms we must know

Posted on: 19/Jul/2018 10:11:45 AM
Most of us would have heard doctors mentioning the term ‘pre-diabetic’ stage. How many of us would have thought what this stage means?

The term ‘pre-diabetes’ refers to a stage just before diabetes where not all the symptoms needed to diagnose diabetes are present. The blood sugar is abnormally high but not yet enough to be regarded as type 2 Diabetes. It is well known that diabetes occurs in us when there is increase of blood sugar and insulin levels. Whenever glucose level is higher for longer duration of time then issues arises. The pancreas does not perform the work of enough insulin production in us. Pre-diabetes could become type 2 diabetes if we do not make significant lifestyle changes. This pre-diabetes affects both kids as well as adults.

These below mentioned symptoms of pre-diabetes must not be ignored by us.

Extreme fatigue:

Feeling tired and exhausted all the time is not good and it must be considered seriously. The reason for this extreme tiredness in us might be due to sugar present in blood streams and not going into cells. Proper channelization of energy is not possible. Feeling extreme fatigue and tired could be a symptom for pre-diabetes.

Excessive hair loss in us:

Many of us are highly concerned about our hairs and we feel depressed when we lose hairs. It is said that factors such as stress, genetic, medication and insulin resistance could cause severe hair loss in us.  It is important to note that this insulin resistance is an indication of pre-diabetes and type- 2 Diabetes. So be careful when there is excess hair loss.

Patches on skin:

Persons who are pre-diabetic have patches of reddish, brownish and yellowish skins on them. Too much of insulin in blood is indicated by the presence of dark and velvety patches on skin.

Consuming excess water:

This is also one important sign or symptom of pre-diabetes. When blood glucose is high we need more fluid but excess drinking of water is harmful. Persons who are pre-diabetic not only drink excess water but also drinks water when full also. This should not be taken lightly.

Frequent urination:

The more water we consume the more we urinate is common but this frequent urination must be considered seriously as the body loses more water than we consume. The colour and smell of urine must be noted. Doctor must be consulted when the urine is abnormal in nature.