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Do you know these reasons that are responsible for worsening your memory power?

Posted on: 25/Feb/2022 10:27:41 AM
In our lives, we might remember certain things and we might forget a few things!!

From minor issues like forgetting where the vehicle keys or forgetting the work to be done etc to major issues like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia etc, memory issues would vary from one person to another. Persons with good memory power would be able to recollect information well when compared to others with poor memory power.

By sorting, storing and retrieving information, our brain does superbly and due to this brain is an important organ in us. Point is that information must be converted to usable form that occurs through a process called encoding. After encoding, information must be stored in memory to be used later on.

It is known that the brain is the centre of our nervous system located in the head. Point is that the brain controls various other organs in our body.  Have you ever thought about why certain people have good memories but others don’t?

Various reasons why our memory could worsen are

Stress or anxiety:

Just like our brain gets tired, our body also gets tired. This could be due to stress or anxiety etc. It is noteworthy that when a person has these issues then he or she would not be able to focus on their work etc.


We could get cognitive impairments due to chronic depression. Persons with depression would find it difficult to lead normal lives. They would have poor memory power etc.

Lack of sleep:

It is believed that lack of proper sleep or sleep deprivation could also be a factor for the memory loss. By sleeping well, minds would get rejuvenated. This would help us to have good memory power.


Memory problems could also be because of certain medicines such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety pills etc. Truth is that these medicines must not be consumed frequently by a person.

Injury to head:

We could get a loss of memory due to head injury also. It is necessary that persons with head injury must be treated properly.


This is an important stage in the lives of a woman. This stage usually occurs when the woman is in her late 40s0s or early 50s. Woman might experience mood swings, sleep issues etc during her in menopause stage. The memory power might also get affected in some persons.

Nutrient deficiencies:

When there is a deficiency of vitamin B1 or B12, then the person could get memory loss. It is essential to eat healthy foods that can improve brain health.

Excess alcohol consumption:

Central nervous system would be slowed down when a person consumes excess alcohol. By this, the memory power would be reduced. Truth is that excess alcohol intake could shrink the brain.