Poor postures and strained muscles etc can lead to severe back pain in us. It must be noted that in 2019 around 40% of adults complained of back pain in them. Breathing is very important because it would help us to survive. Getting back pain is common but getting back pain while breathing is not common and it must be considered seriously.
There are several reasons for getting back pain while breathing such as
Strained muscle:
When the muscles in us are stretched too much then we could get strained muscles. It is noteworthy that there are small muscles present between the ribs, front and back that would help us to expand or contract the chest. Tough activities like weight lifting etc would put lots of strain on these muscles. The person would experience aggravated muscle strain each time he or she breathes.
When the tissue present between lungs and chest wall gets inflamed then we could get pleurisy. We could feel the pain when we breathe and this is due to the fact that the lungs would press the swollen tissue against the chest.
Bacteria or viruses could lead to infection of lungs and this is pneumonia. Hre, the linings of lungs would get irritated causing back pain while breathing. Persons with pneumonia would also show several other signs like fatigue, fever, coughing up yellow/greenish mucus , weak and achy muscles, shortness of breath etc.
Lung cancer:
The bitter truth is that 90% of lung cancer cases are due to smoking only. It is believed that the lesions due to cancer could erode into the ribs, lining of the chest wall etc. The person while breathing would get back pain. Other signs of lung cancer are shortness of breath, persistent cough and weight loss etc.
Pulmonary embolism:
It is true that pulmonary embolism can lead to back pain while breathing. It is a type of blood clot that will occur in one of the blood vessels in the lungs. Chest pain or back pain can be due to pulmonary embolism also. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting etc.
Certain heart conditions:
Pericarditis and myocarditis are 2 main heart conditions that can cause back pain while breathing, It is learnt that myocarditis occurs when heart muscle becomes inflamed and due to that heart`s ability to pump blood decreases. Pericarditis occurs when pericardium becomes irritated and inflamed.d. Pericardium is a thin tissue that surrounds the heart.